2007 World Barista Champinoship – final results

James Hoffman of the United Kingdom, outperformed the world”s other premier baristas yesterday to win the 2007 World Barista Championship in Tokyo. Hoffman, who finished fifth in last year”s WBC, also received accolades for preparing the competition”s best signature drink. Aside from earning the prestigious title of 2007 World Barista Champion, Hoffman received a trophy, $3,000 in cash and a Compak Grinder. Runner-up Heather Perry of Coffee Klatch Roasting in San Dimas, California recorded the highest finish by an American in the WBC and was also recognized for serving the competition”s best espresso. Perry won the 2007 United States Barista Championship in May. 2007 WBC Results: 1. James Hoffman – United Kingdom 2 . Heather Perry – United States 3. Carl Sara – New Zealand 4. Miyuki Miyamae – Japan 5. Anna Kaeppeli – Switzerland 6. Silvia Magalhaes – Brazil WBC competitors must prepare and serve 12 coffee beverages, including four espressos, four cappuccinos and four original signature drinks of their own creation within a 15 minute timeframe. The judges evaluated the entrants on station cleanliness, taste, beverage presentation, technical skills and total impression. The WBC encourages and recognizes professional achievement in the art and skill of espresso preparation and service. The WBC is co-owned by the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) and Specialty Coffee Association of Europe (SCAE.) The 2007 WBC – which was hosted by the Specialty Coffee Association of Japan – was held at the Event & Convention House, Inc. in Tokyo. Further information: www.worldbaristachampionship.com