Cool brewed instant coffee

New Orleans Coffee Company designed a product called CoolBrew® Coffee, which is available in two blends: French Roast and Original (Coffee and Chicory). Lovers of flavored coffees have the additional choices of CoolBrew Original enhanced with Vanilla, Hazelnut, Mocha, Toasted Almond, or Decaf
identified by routine questioning in general practice.The data provided substantiate the stability of the finished product over a maximum of 5 years. cialis.
. Furthermore, the company received an Innovator of the Year award for its use of a patented cold-drip process that produces a liquid concentrate gourmet coffee. CoolBrewing is a process by which the most flavorful essence is extracted from freshly roasted coffee with absolutely no heat. The coffee is brewed very slowly using only cold water. With cold water brewing, the most flavorful oils are extracted leaving behind the bitter acids. This ensures the richest possible flavor with the least bitter taste. Cool Brew has been around for several years, and is available in Grocery stores around the United States. It comes in 16 ounce bottles and the bottle has its own measuring device built in, so it”s easy to use . It keeps for about three weeks in the refrigerator, after opening. So as the product is fresh, New Orleans Coffee Company unfortunately, does not ship abroad. Further information: