Senseo’s new blends

Senseo has released a Breakfast Blend Coffee Pod for your Senseo or other single serve coffee pod brewer. The breakfast blend coffee pods are on the milder side, and are a welcome addition to the Senseo line of coffee pods
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Also new for your single serve coffee pod brewer – Senseo 10% Kona Coffee Blend Pods. This blend of Kona beans from the Hawaiian Kona belt is enhanced by Arabica beans from the finest coffee growing regions creating a perfect balance for this mild brew. Kona coffee gets it’s unique flavor from the volcanic soil it grows in, and the cooling tropical breezes that provide an optimum condition for these delicious beans. Due to the rich climate of the Hawaii islands the outcome is a brew balanced in acidity with tones of fruit and chocolate . Coupled with a bold aroma and surprisingly smooth taste this blend is truly a lesson in escapism.
The Senseo pods will work in your Senseo, Bunn My Cafe, Melitta One:One, simplehuman, Krups 1010 , GPOD, Home Cafe, Cuisinart SS-1 Cup-O-Matic, Melitta MES5B Javapod, and other single serve coffee pod makers.
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