Smart Lid

The Smart Lid, a disposable color changing coffee lid, has been awarded Best Innovation in the 2010 Best in Beverage Packaging Awards, published by Beverage World Magazine.
Beverage World is the leading authority on the US$700 Billion global beverage marketplace. The publication has over 50,000 monthly subscribers internationally, and is distributed to key executives and corporations from the bottling sector right through to retail outlets.
“This packaging innovation award is the second international award received in as many months and will provide an increasing momentum for our early 2011 launch” said Nick Bayss, Managing Director of Smart Lid Systems.”
The Smart Lid is the first in mainstream hot beverage packaging to offer a visual indication of the contents, changing in color from a dark color to a bright red with the application of heat. With all business sectors always looking for improved health and safety for their customers and staff, the Smart Lid is set to revolutionize customer packaging interaction.
Mr Bayss added, “with FDA and EU direct food-contact compliance for the key technology material now in place our export reach is open to some of the largest economies of the world. Our export production partner is Australia’s largest foodservice plastics manufacturer with decades of experience in disposable lid making.”
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