2nd Moscow Internatiol Coffee Forum
The Founder and Executive Director of Alliance for Coffee Excellence Susie Spindler will present a programm “Cup of Excellence” to attention of participants of the 2-nd Moscow International Coffee Forum.
In the first part of the presentation it will be held the seminar “Calibrating your taste palate to quality”, in which Susie will open secrets of real professionals; in the second part of the presentation the preliminary registered participants* will be able to take part in an exclusive tasting session “Cup Of Excellence” which will be organised in Russia for the first time.
Nowdays “Cup of Excellence” is being held in 9 countries of the world: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Rwada. The main idea of the competition is to single out the unique types of coffee, possessing high flavouring characteristics, from the general annual crop of each country- participant.
In consequence of high professional judges’ level, the competition “Cup of Excellence” has a very high status, in the final part of competition there will be presented the best world types of Arabics.
The dictionary of coffee quality and nuances estimation has more than 1200 words, that allows to define and fix all the characteristics of a beverage, to single out its key strength and inform the coffee consumers of all over the world.
2nd Moscow International Coffee Forum
08.02.2010 – Information-exhibition centre “Info-Space”, Moscow
Further information: www.coffeetea.ru
* In tasting session only 30 people will take part
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. To be registered in the 2-nd Moscow International Coffee Forum please send us filled Registration and Enquiry form by e-mail or fax and specify in a subject “Participation in Cup of Excellence”