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Counting days to the SCAA 2009 Show

As Business Wire reported, the SCAA Exposition 2009 will be supported by numerous notable coffee companies led by Probat. Burns.

Probat Burns, Inc., in partnership with Bunn-O-Matic Corporation (BUNN), Batdorf & Bronson Coffee Roasters, and Royal Cup Coffee, Inc., will welcome attendees to the Specialty Coffee Association of America’s (SCAA) 2009 Annual Exposition April 16th – 19th.


Probat Burns, Inc., a member of The Probat Group, has more than 250 years of combined industry experience . Company President, Karl Schmidt, says, “As a long-time member and supporter of the SCAA, Probat Burns recognizes that one of SCAA’s core value propositions is to foster partnerships within the specialty coffee industry and bring together a community dedicated to improving and sustaining the well being of the specialty coffee industry. These are important reasons why Probat is an active supporter of SCAA.”


Hy Bunn, President of Bunn-O-Matic Corporation, agrees

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. “Since the earliest days of the SCAA,” says Bunn, “we have truly enjoyed and appreciated the personal and professional relationships that membership in this groundbreaking organization have made possible. We are grateful for the excellent work done by the SCAA on behalf of the coffee industry.”


Batdorf & Bronson is based in Olympia, Washington, but opened a second roasting plant in Atlanta in 1994. Company President, Larry Challain, says, “We are proud to be a Host Partner sponsor of this exciting conference that is bringing global attention to The Event and the World Barista Championship and encourage everyone to explore Atlanta and experience the vitality of the city.”


Hatton Smith of Royal Cup Coffee, located in nearby Alabama, says, “It is an honor to be a Host Partner Sponsor of the 21st Annual Exposition, an event that provides a wonderful opportunity for all of us to exchange ideas and explore the most challenging questions facing the coffee industry today.”


For complete information about the SCAA Exposition visit Coffee-Explorer’s event article!



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