DaVinci Gourmet linked to improved quality…

DaVinci Gourmet, the industry leader in gourmet syrups, extends their support of the specialty coffee industry through the entire coffee supply chain from shops and cafés to coffee growers. Since 2006, DaVinci has substantially contributed to Coffee Kids, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals living and working in coffee communities, making DaVinci Gourmet the organization¹s single-largest annual donor. With this support, Coffee Kids has expanded from working with eight partner organizations to 15 in five countries (Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Peru) . Projects supported by Coffee Kids now reach more than 6,200 people and serve 149 communities throughout Latin America.
“The tremendous support from DaVinci has had a transformative effect on many of the communities we serve,” said Carolyn Fairman, executive director of Coffee Kids. “Thanks to DaVinci Gourmet, awareness of our efforts to help families and resources to put programs in place has increased substantially.”
For many coffee-farming families, annual income made from coffee is not enough to ensure a basic standard of living. Coffee Kids partners with organizations in coffee-farming communities to provide these families with options for consistent income. Programs in economic diversification & microcredit, health awareness, education and food security help families diversify their income and improve their quality of life.
“We are committed to the specialty coffee industry on many levels. Through Coffee Kids we are able to help and support those who are vital to this industry, the families who grow the beans,² said Jennifer Faren, product manager for DaVinci Gourmet. “With this relationship we can affect the lives of those thousands of miles away, creating a connection.”
Besides monetary support, DaVinci Gourmet promotes Coffee Kids to clients and consumers with a mention on every bottle, POP materials, publicity materials and on the company¹s Web site (http://www.davincigourmet.com). DaVinci Gourmet syrups are used throughout the world in specialty coffee drinks
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. The company sees their commitment to coffee-farming families as an investment in the future of coffee.
“We know first hand the intricacy of the coffee process, from farm to cup and appreciate the essential part each and every family plays in the global coffee economy,” Faren added.
Highlights from the 2008-2009 Coffee Kids fiscal year include:
• A food sovereignty project which provides training in nutrition, herbal medicines and family gardens that has reached 2,817 women, men and children in Veracruz, Mexico
• A microcredit and savings project in Nicaragua that has grown to 683 participants organized into 29 groups with a combined savings of $46,660, which is used as rotating capital for small, low-interest loans
• Lessons in chicken production that were given to 177 people in four communities in Chiapas, Mexico; families saved an average of $35 each month consuming eggs and meat from their chickens and sold the surplus in local markets
• Construction of a training center that was completed in Oaxaca, Mexico, which will be used to train hundreds of families from surrounding coffee communities in sustainable agriculture, appropriate technologies, and human rights
Further information: www.davincigourmet.com, www.coffeekids.org