La Marzocco redesigns…
There was a point in time when the barista was considered a proficient machinist who exercised individual skill while extracting the best possible cup of espresso coffee
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. A barista needed to be at once a technician, to operate the machine, and a beverage expert, to obtain the most from each blend of coffee.
In the early 1970’s, La Marzocco launched a revolutionary configuration on its GS series of espresso machines. The mechanical valve, or “paddle”, enabled the barista to carry out pre-infusion on one group at a time at stable pressure, which ultimately lead to results that matched or topped espresso shots extracted from a traditional lever machine (which were standard at the time), however without the same physical exertion.
In its unremitting endeavour to satisfy today’s demanding professional barista, La Marzocco, inspired by this innovative device, has redesigned and improved the mechanical paddle (MP).
It includes a valve connected to an external lever, or more appropriately, the “paddle”, which is activated by the barista to manually and simultaneously pre-infuse ground coffee with hot water on one or more groups.
La Marzocco strives to give back the direct control and manual feel of preparing espresso coffee to the contemporary barista in an aim for excellence not readily found anywhere else.