Sustainability Brings…

Today millions of Americans suffer from heartburn and acid reflux, with coffee serving as one of the leading causes of these symptoms. A solution to this problem is Puroast(R) Low Acid Coffee, a gourmet coffee now available in stores throughout the US. With less than half the acid of all other brands, Puroast(R) ( is an attractive option for these afflicted consumers.
While the Puroast(R) brand is growing in popularity, another facet of the company is less well-known: sustainable technology. The origins of Puroast(R) are in the Andes Mountains of South America where the company founders came upon an ancient method for roasting coffee. This old-world method is best fueled by biomass, a renewable resource
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. To effectively commercialize this process, Puroast(R) integrated a proprietary wood pellet-fired energy technology to a modernized roasting operation that mirrored the rudimentary Andean method.
Puroast(R)’s breakthrough technology caught the eye of the world’s leading authority in sustainable business development, The Sustainable Business Institute (SBI), in San Jose, California . The SBI ( is a global organization comprised of business and technology innovators, whose aim is to promote the use of sustainable business practices.
SBI’s Executive Director and Founder Jessica Fullmer says, “The SBI is a long-standing, cross-industry group that corporate prime movers count on when it comes to reliable, state-of-the-art information in sustainability.” She adds, “One truly distinct feature of the SBI is fostering the interaction of CEO’s from the world’s largest corporations, such as Intel, with those from smaller, but equally innovative companies, like Puroast(R).”
In recognition of their innovation and leadership in sustainability, the SBI awarded their Seal of Sustainability to Puroast(R) in 2004. As a result Puroast(R) now carries the Seal of Sustainability on their product packaging, as well as a description of their sustainable processing and the SBI.
Says Puroast(R)’s CEO Kerry Sachs, “Puroast(R) Low Acid Coffee is one of those cases where sustainability has actually led to a better consumer product — the economics and qualities of renewable, wood pellet fuel, enables us to make low acid coffee commercially viable and affordable to the American consumer.”