Coffee Realizing and Coffee Quitting

More than half of Americans drink coffee daily, according to research at Syracuse University
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. For many, coffee”s jolt is the best part of waking up. While typical soft drinks can provide a similar effect, the amount of caffeine they deliver generally is significantly lower. Research has shown that the beneficial effects observed in coffee are not replicated in other drinks. So coffee tends to serve as the better drink over soft drinks because the typical soda contains more than 100 calories, compared to a cup of black coffee, which has almost no calories. Also coffee can camouflage normal hunger signals, but that wears off through the day. As with anything we consume, however, side effects can accompany the benefits of caffeine in coffee. About Calories: America”s favorite beverage, normally only 5 calories, has morphed into a desert in a cup lately. For instance a 16 ounce cup of Dunkin Donuts Vanilla Bean Coolata has 16 grams of fat, the equivalent of a McChicken sandwich. “If you drink one of those coffee drinks, that is your lunch,” said one of the specialists. And the calories add up too. A 14 ounce Dunkin Donuts Mocha Swirl Latte has 340 calories, that”s equal to two Taco Bell tacos. So if you”re not careful, if you”re drinking a 500 calorie beverage everyday, you could gain a pound a week. That”s 52-pounds a year! So what can you do? First drink these coffee and specialty drinks in moderation. Ask them to use non-fat milk, and sugar free syrups. And do yourself a favor- skip the whipped cream . What comprises a cup of coffee can vary by size, brew and bean. The body makes adjustments and then, we start to need the coffee just to feel awake and concentrate. The experts said the common withdrawal symptoms include irritability, headaches, lethargy, fatigue, drowsiness and difficulty concentrating. The effects can manifest in all people within 12 to 24 hours after stopping caffeine intake, and the symptoms could continue for as long as nine days. Meanwhile, health experts recommend those who would like to quit ease off, gradually reducing caffeine intake over a couple weeks. They suggest drinking a blend of half-decaf and half-caffeinated coffee and drinking less each day, before eventually substituting decaf or non-caffeinated products for regular coffee.