Cold Drip King

Cold Drip King is a cold drip coffee brewer designed to be the ultimate device for the home user . Cold Drip King makes a beautiful sweet cup of cold drip coffee every time, requiring a single adjustment for easy brewing. Unlike other brewers, Cold Drip King’s patented design keeps the drip rate constant throughout the whole volume of extraction, this is a good thing! We humbly believe this product has the potential to change the game for cold coffee, like the aeropress did for home brewed hot coffee.
This whole process started when friends started talking about Cold Drip Coffee that was being bottled and sold by local cafe’s. I was curious about the brewing process and when I looked into the existing products it left me thinking that I could probably make something better.
Existing products were either large, fragile or expensive, often all three.
When I talked to friends in the coffee industry they all mentioned a problem. The design of the existing machines resulted in a variable drip rate that caused inconsistent extraction. I talked to a lot of people about the problem, went to my shed with a notebook and eventually emerged with a solution on paper. I talked to my brother Toby and we agreed to work together to make the product a reality.
We have invested a great deal of money time and energy into this project and have taken on no outside investment. We have worked outside of our full time jobs doing everything we could to make it happen. For everything we couldn’t do we have employed product designers, toolmakers and coffee consultants to get us to where we are today.
We are not a large team of professional designers, in fact we are a high school teacher and a hotel concierge. We are creative individuals with innovation in our blood. We are passionate about creating something new and getting all the help we need to bring this product to market.
If you want to know anything more that what is mentioned on the rest of this page please email us: