The Specialty Coffee Asociation of Costa Rica (SCACR) was founded in 1993 for growers, millers, toasters and local exporters in an effort to furnish Costa Rican coffee to the international gourmet coffee markets.
The primary objectives of this Association are the following: -To rescue the quality and image of Costa Rican coffees -To promote the production and consumption of Specialty Coffees nationally and internationally -To create necessary tools so that the associates will obtain the highest benefits in marketing price To reach these objectives the Association participates in national and international forums with the idea of promoting their projects that are in place in order to better the quality of coffee in Costa Rica, as well as, to point out the benefits of our Golden Bean. Moreover, developing educational programs for our associates so that they are conscious of the importance in guarding (protecting) the bean from its cultivation to the cup. Structure of the Association: The Association is composed of 35 members and 2 honorary members from the Costa Rican Coffee Institute (ICAFE), and the membership of SINTERCAFE (International Coffee Week). These members make up the General Assembly. The Ordinary Assembly meets yearly during the month of February. The Board of Directors is made up of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and six Directors . It also has an office which consist of Executive Director and a Secretary. The office is shared with SINTERCAFE and is located in West Sabana, San José. The Association works through committees whose tasks are the development, promotion and presentation of activities approved by the Board of Directors. These include: -Quality Committee (implementation and direction of the quality certification). -Promotion and Dissemination Committee (organize tours, edits informative bulletin and disseminates activities of the Association). -Cupping Committee (elimination and regional cuppings, cupping competition during SINTERCAFE).
-Finance Committee (controls finances). -Workshops Committee (organizes workshops on milling / humidity / calibration / and others).
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