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4C Association

The Common Code for the Coffee Community Association (4C Association) is an organisation in which all relevant stakeholders from the coffee sector follow one common goal: continuously improving the level of sustainability in the production, processing and trading of all green coffee.

Combination of the following aspects makes 4C a unique sustainability approach in the coffee world.


  • – is addressing the mainstream coffee market
  • – is introducing a standard for a baseline level of sustainability
  • – enables a process of continuous improvement of social, environmental and economic practices used in production and processing of coffee
  • – creates ownership and participation through its membership model
  • – demands a clear commitment of coffee trade and industry
  • – offers support services for coffee producers
  • – works with an independent process verification at coffee container level
  • – is a business to business concept and does not use a label on coffee packs

The Common Code for the Coffee Community is based on a Code of Conduct for the mainstream coffee sector. This Code has been developed in a multi-stakeholder process. It guides coffee farmers towards a more sustainable coffee production and processing. Farmers can enter the 4C commercial system by reaching a baseline level of sustainability in their social, environmental and economic practices. At the same time they commit themselves to continuously improving these practices . Like this the level of sustainability is continuously increasing.

The buying members of the 4C Association, coffee trade and industry, commit to comply with the so called Rules of Participation.

They buy increasing amounts of 4C coffee over time, support the coffee producers through contributions to the 4C Support Services, report on their activities and pay for the verification costs through their membership fees. Like this the producers are supported to meet the criteria of the code, have no extra costs for the verification and can count on a steadily stronger demand for their coffee with baseline sustainability criteria.

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