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Blue Mountain Coffee (Europe) Ltd.

bluemountaincof.jpgOver the last ten years, Blue Mountain Coffee Europe has developed the business following the acquisition of the Langford Brothers operation in 1996 and has assumed responsibility for sales and distribution in Europe of Jamaica Blue Mountain® green coffee for the Jamaican growers and processors.

The company’s philosophy is based on the highest product quality, social, ethical & environmental responsibility working closely with the Jamaican partners. The coffee is delivered to the customers applying the Just In Time principle to provide for the quickest possible delivery times from stocks held in our European depots . This service is offered to large, medium and micro roasters either directly or through our regional distributors.

Available quantities of Jamaica Blue Mountain® coffee are small, but Blue Mountain Coffee Europe is working with its Jamaican partners, and with its various European distributors, to try and ensure that regular customers always have their required availability. To this end, the company holds its principal stock in Antwerp(Unicontrol Commodities B.V.) & East of London with subsidiary stocks in Hamburg, Barcelona & Trieste, managed by their distributor partners. Blue Mountain Coffee Europe has a programme of regular topping up and replacement from Jamaica via Antwerp in place.

The company represents the main processors, including the Clydesdale group, Mavis Bank, Moy Hall (the only Jamaican cooperative), Wallenford and Gold Cup, as well as the estate coffees, RSW Estates® and Clifton Mount Estate®.

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