Coffee Association of Canada

CAC’s Misson – The Coffee Association of Canada exists to undertake a leadership and spokesperson role to effectively address collective industry issues. – The Association will enhance the coffee beverage experience by providing members and consumers with opportunities to improve coffee beverage knowledge and skills.
The Coffee Association of Canada is the national trade association representing the coffee industry in Canada The Association’s core responsibility is that of industry advocate and spokesperson. The Association exists to undertake a leadership role to effectively address collective industry issues. The Association will work to enhance the coffee beverage experience through provision of skills and knowledge necessary to make coffee beverages a more integral and meaningful part of Canadian lives. CAC membership is open to all businesses participating in the Canadian coffee industry . Members include coffee roasters, retailers, importers and suppliers to the industry.
CAC also offers a provisional membership (for one year only) to firms or individuals who are evaluating starting, but not currently engaged in a coffee business. The Association also offers Training and education programs, industry publications and member meetings. The Association works with government in a responsible manner to ensure government policies and regulations do not provide competitive disadvantages while providing consumers with accurate information on coffee beverages. The CAC is the primary advocate and spokesperson for the industry and provides information to media on all aspects of the coffee industry. Key government policy areas, which are managed by the Association, include: – Product definitions and labelling – Health policy regarding caffeine and coffee – Customs regulations – Trade policy affecting coffee CAC maintains regular contact with other coffee associations to ensure it is aware of global issues that may affect the Canadian industry.
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