Demus Lab S.r.l. laboratory carries out analyses on coffee and other food products, deals with the research and development of new technologies and co-operates with experts to provide its clients with technical advice on the spot and custom-made training courses.
The new year will be characterized by a calendar full of training courses destined to professionals of the whole coffee sector.Here is a brief introduction to each course:
– Green Coffee Classification
The course deals with coffee history and botanical characteristics and closely examines the green coffee market and classification. The practical part includes the tasting of espresso and Brazilian samples of some arabicas and robustas.
– Coffee Roasting for the Espresso
The theoretical part analyzes the roasting process as a whole (techniques, tools, roasting curves, control, roasting features and so on). Single-origin coffee and blends – also decaffeinated – processed with different roasting curves are tasted. Besides, during the practical part at the roasting company, it is possible to attend to different roasting processes.
– Coffee Blending for the Espresso and Espresso Tasting Techniques
This training course includes the following topics: espresso extraction, the influence of the green coffee processing method on the final result, the roasting process, the choice of coffees for blending and quality control, tasting and evaluation of the organoleptic features of the espresso. A further investigation on decaffeinated coffee and the decaffeination process will also be carried out.
– The Coffee-shop Franchising and Menu
The course is destined to all those who are interested in managing an activity in the commercial sector of coffee and in the creation of a “perfect menu” for coffee-shops and franchises . A successful menu depends on several choices and variables that have to be closely analyzed, such as: motivation, the franchising contract, the importance of communication, the target range, different types of franchising, products, furnishings and equipment, staff training and, finally, concrete examples of franchising businesses.
– Green Coffee Quality Control and Purchasing
The course deals with topics concerning green coffee production, preparation methods, botanical varieties and quality, demand and offer and existing types of markets, the coffee trade structure and the entire coffee production line. Part of the course is dedicated to training on the European Coffee Contract and, finally, the commodity exchange sector is presented.Courses include a theoretical and a practical session; they start at 9 a.m. and end at 5 p.m. – with a lunch break.
For further information on the cost of the courses and how to register, please contact Demus Lab by sending an e-mail to or phoning to the +39.040.280858; otherwise, you can visit the website