Hawaii Coffee Association

The HCA’s focus is promoting Hawaii as a coffee origin and to increase Hawaii Coffee consumption within the State and export from the State. A major component of the HCA’s work is education of the public and of members. Each summer the HCA holds a Hawaii Coffee Conference, for members and others interested in Hawaii Coffee. This conference has grown each year and gained increased international attention. Hawaii has it all from seed to cup, from small family farms to large mechanized estates, and from hand pickers to accomplished baristas. Hawaii is a very good place to see coffee operations . Coffee is harvested annually, some places start as early as July and finish as late as January, but the bulk of Hawaii’s harvest takes place September through December. There are many opportunities to see coffee orchard, processing and milling operations. Visitors are welcome to tour plantations and learn how coffee is grown and prepared, from seed to cup. Hawaii is also a great place to drink coffee and to purchase coffee. Each island has several interesting places to try coffee, from cozy little coffee shops to educational coffee visitor centers. Hawaii has great roasters with access to the freshest best beans. One of life’s great pleasures is sipping a fresh roasted, new crop, Hawaii, arabica as the sun bursts from, or sinks into the tropical Pacific. Hawaii is beautiful. It attracts, houses, feeds and entertains millions of visitors per year.

This beauty and Hawaii Aloha help make Hawaii a great place to check out coffee even if you or your traveling companion(s) have a life beyond coffee. All the islands have something to offer besides coffee. They all have the ocean, tennis and great golf. The Big Island has its volcanoes, Maui has the road to Hana, Molokai home of breathtaking cliffs and majestic Halawa valley, Oahu has Waikiki, and Kauai has the Waimea Canyon. Hawaii is the only state within the USA producing coffee, and we are proud of the 100% Hawaiian grown, arabica coffees from each of five major islands. Also take a look at this year’s HCA CONFERENCE & TRADE SHOW.

Further information: www.hawaiicoffeeassoc.org

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